Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Website Is Up!

So finally after many weeks of editing and working I have finally finished my website, indeed it was a lot of effort but definitely worth it!

Here are some screenshots:

So I hope you go check it out, like I said it's basically the same as this blog but bigger and much better:)

CLICK THE LINK TO GO TO MY WEBSITE:   http://rebeccalousiehier.weebly.com/index.html

Thankyou all for reading my blog I hope you also read my website/blog as well bye!


Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Update: Website Plans Becoming Reality!

Hey so it's been a while since i've posted, in my defence i've been pretty busy working on my new website!
 For a while i've wanted to make one but i've kind of stayed away from it until my blog got some notice. But honestly I think the blog is just too small for me. So in a few weeks/days I will finally lauching my website, which i've designed all by myself, not gonna lie the hardest thing ever! but it's worth it in the end. Once i've lauch the website I obviously will be deleting this blog which is sad I love how easy it is to use but it's time for an upgrade.
Just like this blog my website will be Photography and Beauty just bigger and better:)
I will be somewhat "reposting" everything i've posted on here because I don't want it to go to waste.
Not forgetting I will be making my final post which will be annoucing my website lauch and giving you the link to it, I'll leave it up for a week or so then i'm deleting it:)
Thankyou for alway reading my blog and I hope you check out my website once it's done

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

7 Deadly Sins Of Makeup TAG

TAG #2

Hey welcome to another TAG, hope you enjoy and find this interesing one way or another.


1. GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?

My most inexpensive beauty item is a lipstick by MUA which is priced at only £1. MUA is a makeup brand based in Superdrug. Most of the products are good quality I really enjoy the eyeshadow palettes and have a few of the lipsticks.

My most expensive beauty item is the Stila In The Know Palette which is priced at £25. This was definitely an impulse buy but I really love it and it's great quality.

2. WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with?

I definitely have a love/hate realationship with the ELF Contouring Blush & Bronzing Powder, I only use the blush and everytime I use it I either love the way it looks or hate it! Sometimes it's patchy and sometimes it's perfect.

3. GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?

One of my most delicious beauty product is my Bourjois Bronzer (the one that looks like chocolate) it smells just like chocolate! Everytime I use it I have to smell it!

4. SLOTH: What beauty products do you neglect, due to laziness?

The beauty product I neglect mostly is foundation, for the past couple of months all i've been wearing is BB Cream. For me foundation takes way too long to blend and I haven't really found a foundation I love just yet.

5. PRIDE: What beauty products give you the most self confidence?

A beauty product that gives me the most confidence is mascara. Honestly I could just leave the house with mascara on and feel confident. Whenever I have some mascara on and my eyelashes look amazing I feel pretty good about myself.

6. LUST: What attributes do you find most attractive in the oppisite sex?

For me it's definitely personality, someone who has a good sense of humor and can make me laugh, and somewhat as werid as me thats good enough for me.

7. ENVY: What items would you like to receive as a gift?

For beauty products definitely something I wouldn't buy for myself, like a new brand to me, something i've never tried. Or a higher end product something I wouldn't buy for the price but it would be a great gift.

Sorry I haven't posted anything photography related in a while just haven't really been inspired that much
Thankyou for reading and checking out my blog:)


Friday, 2 August 2013

This or That? (TAG)


TAG #1
Hey, so since I don't really have anything to post just yet I thought i'd do some fun tags, so here's my This or That tag:) hope you find it some what interesting.



Blush or Bronzer - Blush (my obsession)
Lip Gloss or Lipstick - Carmex? (my addiction)
Eye Liner or Mascara - Mascara
Foundation or Concealer - Concealer
Neutral or Color Eye Shadow - Neutral
Pressed or Loose Eye Shadows - Pressed
Brushes or Sponges - Brushes


OPI or China Glaze - China Glaze
Long or Short - Long
Acrylic or Natural - Natural
Brights or Darks - Darks
Flower or No Flower - No Flower


Perfume or Body Splash - Perfume
Lotion or Body Butter - Lotion
Body Wash or Soap - Body Wash
Lush or other Bath Company - Bath Company


Jeans or Sweat Pants - Sweat Pants (I'm all for comfort!)
Long Sleeve or Short - Long Sleeve
Dresses or Skirts - Dresses
Stripes or Plaid - Plaid
Flip Flops or Sandals - Sandals
Scarves or Hats - Scarves
Studs or Dangly Earrings - Studs
Necklaces or Bracelets - Braclets
Heels or Flats - Flats
Cowboy Boots or Riding Boots - Neither
Jacket or Hoodie - Jacket
Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe - Forver21
Abercombie or Hollister - Hollister


Curly or Straight - Straight
Bun or Ponytail - Ponytail
Bobby Pins or Butterfly Clips - Butterfly Clips
Hair Spray or Gel - Hair Spray
Long or Short - Long
Light or Dark - Dark
Up or Down - Down


Rain or Shine - Shine
Summer or Winter - Winter
Fall or Spring - Fall
Chocolate or Vanilla - Chocolate

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

NOTD - Nails Of The Day

I am completely in love with this nail polish combination! I'm pretty sure I'll be staring at my nails all day. To me adding some glitter makes the nude colour look way more fun yet still chic.
  • Barry M Gelly High Shine - Lychee
  • Barry M Nail Paint - Rose Quatz

Sorry about the late post:)
Bec xox

Saturday, 6 July 2013

My Addiction

It's official I have a nail polish addiction and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Yes I have over 30 nail polishes chucked in a box and bored off every one off them, that's my excuse to buy new ones whenever I get the opportunity. Here a few snaps off my Google+ page where I post my NOTD (nails of the day), they even have a page dedicated to nail polish lovers. Check it out if you have the time.
Don't worry it's ok to have a addiction, to a certain extent:)
Oh and I'm totally blogging off my phone yay for blogging on the go:) xox

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Product Review: Weleda Skin Food

I was introduced to this product through my glossybox a few months ago and ever since then it's been my new favourite moisteriser. I use this in the night times because it had a thick consistancy and it's amazing for dry skin. This product is considered more of a balm because of how thick it is. It contains alot of good thing like rosemary to perk up your dry and dull skin and the smell isn't that bad if you like lavender.

I've found it pretty hard to find a good moisterser for my annoying dry skin and I think I have found it. The good thing about this product is the price it's pretty cheap which is always a good thing for my bank, you can get this in Boots for only £8.99 and off amazon for a similar price. Or you can go straight to the weleda website and buy it for £8.95 not a bad price at all I think.

Hope you enjoyed my first post and beauty product review:) let me know any other products you would want to see a review on x.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Unforgettable Moments

Here's some amazing picture of the sunset, it was werid because everytime I tilted my camera it changed colour. Just beautiful in my opinion as you can tell I have a slight obsession with taking photos of the sunset.

“There's a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss so many of them.” ― Jo Walton

Camera Used: Samsung Galaxy S3


Friday, 7 June 2013

Which Path?

Choosing the right path in life is probably the most difficult decision you'll have to make, weather it be finding your real friends, which college to go too or weather to take a chance on someone. I'll be honest it doesn't get easier throughout life, you'r gonna have to make these decisions more than once. I'm still searching for the perfect way to help me choose, the only thing I have is asking someone eles for their opinion on the situation. I've recently had to make a difficult decision and asked about 10 people on what they think I should do, after that I have no regrets on the decsion I made that day. I'm not trying to say take their opinion and choose it, i'm saying let them help don't let them fog your decision choose whatever makes you happy, not to sound chessy but you only live once right?

Camera Used: Samsung WB150F


Freedom Of A Flower

Once again it's time to go out in the sun and take advantage of the great weather. These flower photos were taken in St Fagons, while I was on a assignment trip wih my college, most of the pictures I took that day were of these beautiful flowers. I just couldn't stop myself. I'm definitely not one of those people who just walk straight past a flower and not take a picture of it. For me flowers are a symbol of freedom, they can bloom whenever or where ever they want.

"Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair..." - Susan Polis Schutz

Camera Used: Samsung WB150F


Monday, 27 May 2013

The Beach View - The Best View

A beautiful thing in this world, usually i'd say look for the little things but in this case the beauty is right infront of you, take it in and create a moment.

"Nothing soothes the soul lik a walk on the beach"

Photo Taken: Ogmore Beach

Camera Used: Samsung Galaxy S3


Favourite part of the day.

My favourite part of the day is sunset, this is around the time i get my camera just to take a picture. My phone has loads of sunset photos just because their so beauiful to look at.

“The first stab of love is like a sunset, a blaze of color -- oranges, pearly pinks, vibrant purples...” - Anna Godbersen, The Luxe

Photo Taken: Margam

Camera Used: Nikon DSLR


Family in a way.

To me pets are like family, so i always take pictures of them. I swear everytime time the camera is pointed at them, they always pose, it's adorable. Meet my cat Kizzy and my dog Sasha, I wouldn't change them for anthing.

"Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet" - Colette

Camera Used: Samsung Galaxy S3


Little Things

Taking the little things for granted it's something we all do. At the end of the day all we can do is get on with our day and hope for the best.

Photos Taken: Some place in Wales Camera Used: Samsng Galaxy S3 & Samsung WB150F


Sunday, 17 March 2013

Graffiti is art.


These are some of the images I took when out with my college on a graffiti video assignment. Most of the assigment was debating about weather graffiti was art or vadilism, in my opinion it's definitely art work, a way for people to express their feelings and emotions.

Photo Taken: Bridgend Camera Used: Samsung Galaxy S3


An Inspiring Place

This is one of my favouourite places to go just to think,or walk the dog, Everywhere you go is full of beauty, it just takes a few moments to find it. For all you know it's been right infront of you the entire time.

Photo Taken: Cynffig Pool Camera Used: Samsung Galaxy S3 (this phone has an amazing camera!) xox